Sunday, 4 August 2019

Toilet Texting...

The Danish rain still got us wet
The country's rather pricey,
But the ride was flat and easy
And the camp spots super nicey! 

Days 50 - 55         Distance - 345 km

Copenhagen - Lubeck (Germany)

Despite the old fashioned rural feel to Denmark, with its thatched cottages and quaint towns, it was unbelievably modern in other respects. For example, upon locating the public toilets, it comes as a great surprise that one has to send a text message to the 'public-toilet-controller' who then will magically open the door for you. I'm not sure what you're supposed to do if you don't have a mobile!

There had been an algae bloom in the sea - and much of the coastline was deep in seaweed and stank, but we were lucky and found clear places to camp and swim, in the rather surprisingly warm Baltic sea.

There were bridges to cross and ferries to catch to link up the islands...

And churches with their own unique style...

We came across The Barnehoj passage grave (collective tombs) that were erected during the stone age - about 5200 years ago! Men, women and children from the tribes most prominent families were laid to rest in the chamber, along with amber beads, weapons, food and drink. (The wise old budda wasn't quite as old...)

The ferry route across to Germany from Rodbyhavn to Puttgarden was an extremely busy but efficient route. Ferries left every half an hour to make the 45 minute journey, where campsites and towns were packed - Germany is on holiday! After being turned away from one full, pre-booked massive site, we ended up in another town where an international street performing festival was going on. This made a great celebration as we'd clocked up a total of 3000 km!

Onward to Lubeck, and quite an amazing city - full of ancient, wonky buildings, and definitely worth a visit. 

We did a good city tour...until, yet again, another thunder storm stopped play!

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