Saturday, 22 June 2019

The Rough and The Smooth...

Some days the wind blows harsh in your face,
The road is uphill, and slow is the pace,
The sun can be searing - sunburn is tough,
Or it's so hot and humid you can't drink enough.
Sometimes your legs ache, your neck and your arms,
And cycling seems to have lost all it's charms.
Long, endless days on a long, endless track, 
Your energy's gone and you can't get it back.

Then one day you wake...and the weather is splendid!
It's warm and it's dry and the harsh heat has ended.
The wind is behind you, you feel young again,
You can hardly remember the heat and the rain...
And suddenly everything seems to be fine,
And you realise you're having a wonderful time!
But make haste and pedal while you're feeling so high,
Cause it can all change with the blink of an eye...

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