What's a blog? What's a post?
And what the hell's a domain host?
Well, I've no idea what the answers to this riddle are, but I seem to have made it to my 1st Post! I'm very new to this, so please bear with, and hopefully it'll all make sense in the end!
I'm Julia. I'm older than I like to believe, and not as fit as I once was. And that is Steve - who is older than I like to believe, and fitter than I once was. We have decided to embark on a cycle ride along the EuroVelo 6 trail. For those of you, (including us), who are unsure of the exact route, it goes from Nantes, on the west coast of France, to Constanta, on the Black Sea in Romania. The route is about 3600km, (mas o menos, as we like to say in Spanish), passes through 10 countries and follows 6 European rivers. Lovely!
We'll be off in a few weeks, just got to do some final preparation - like get me a bike! I did buy a new one, but some thieving b**stard nicked it within the first 24 hours of me owning it. Still, I did get to ride it up and down the aisles of Decathlon and found it very acceptable, so I hope whoever is using it now appreciates it as much. (Oh and many thanks to that massive corporate company who wouldn't sympathise with me enough to give me a discount off another bike.) So I am toying now with the idea of either riding my 16 year old faithful bike, buying a second hand bike, or swallowing my bitterness and forking out for another new one.
Anyway, I've postponed thinking about that part of the trip (yes, I know the bike is a major part of cycle tour), and am focusing on blogging and crowd funding for now.
Well, we are not just crazy, delusional, middle-aged hippie types with nothing
but the thrill of the open road ahead of us, we are also hoping to
raise money for an orphanage we visited in Uganda last summer.
Edison (pictured above) runs an orphanage for children who have
lost their families through HIV and AIDS. The orphanage
provides a home for those that need it, although many of the children are able to live with extended families in the surrounding areas. It also helps with school fees, day care and lunchtime meals, and to date benefits about 150 children who would otherwise be left to survive on their own. There is a primary school, providing education for
the younger children, and some volunteer huts where
visitors can stay and help with community projects. Money raised helps
send some of the older children to the secondary school in Kabale, and helps
buy food, clothes and medication for the children. They plant their own
crops and now also have some sheep in an effort to be self-sufficient.
Last year we went on a trip with Oasis Overland across East Africa. As part of their trip they make a scheduled visit to Lake Bunyonyi Community Village, Uganda, as the charity was actually set up by one of their truck drivers about 10 years ago. This way they can follow the progress of the village, and see exactly where the money and donations are going.

Meeting some of the children and joining in with their song and dance was a very emotional and moving experience. The children understand that Oasis regularly brings it's guests to visit the orphanage, often bringing with them donations of money, clothes, pens and paper. The children make a real effort to make you feel welcome, and Edison cooks his famous crayfish dish, fresh from the lake.

Lake Bunyonyi is found in south western Uganda, close to
the border with Rwanda. It is a stunningly beautiful lake covering 61
square kilometres, rumoured to be the second deepest lake in Africa, and the third deepest in the world, and
is dotted with 29 islands of various shapes and sizes. It's lush
terraces and tranquil waters make this a truly magical place.
After visiting the orphanage we sponsored a student to go to secondary school, and have been liasing with Edison about how to find a way to get water up to the village, as the only way right now is the arduous trek down to the water's edge, that everyone has to make daily.
We are hoping to raise a minimum of £5,000 in order to help get mains water connected to the village, which is the best practical solution.
Most of us never have to think about water, we take it for granted that we just turn on a tap and out it comes. Please help us to give others that same privilege.
Click on the links to find out all about it and how to donate, and PLEASE share this with everyone you know and help us raise as much as possible!